bagio is a club for the public benefit to maintenance and promotion of
musical nuances.
our members looking back in many years of experience
in the fore- and background musicsector.
uwe BAstiansen:
mask for / faust (temp.) / abwaerts / stadtFisch / station 17 etc.
muck GIOvanett:
happy grindcore / hrubesch youth / ter gleene muck
on the free
field of punk-funk-free-soul-jazz-noise.
our members gamble with fragments and interfaces, which are,
token to own congruents,
reaching a different kind of concentration.
to cut a long story short: bebop-hardcore
(others also
calling it recently AD/HD-musik,
what means
"attention deficit
hyperactivity dysfunction"
- or "fidgetmusic")
of this work will be prepared for discussions in nonrhythmic periods.